Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Do African Dancers Wear

Egocentric Voting

There is always someone who wants to talk, I urge vomit what happens. Three fuck cares if someone else is speaking, merely echo that he considers his existence than that of others or because their problem is more important, has to step over anyone. No, not like!

It happens in college, when the teacher asks someone in particular and the girl jumps like boiled milk, with a response that is not correct either, fucking the professor and his companion. Not to mention that your response is accompanied by: "For sho thought, if you type", "and could not sher something ashi as ...". No dear, you do not think, because if you would finally know that when they say "only answer so ', you will be well coy you have your mouth and your accent beware of San Isidro and nice people.

Another case. I have a friend who is getting married soon and have to make farewell (yes, again). We meet to organize, it was decided among other things and always dress (same as always) have to leave that she is going to get the best costume, best dressed, best makeup to be the best. But if not your going away party, you're NOT the honoree, "so you had attention deficit girl that we want to make now? And explain to me because you want to upholster the walls with gourds? You're gonna get, and you'll marry and we're going to give so much comfort you can provide all the chambers of your body, so let us damn good.

Is not happening to you that there is always someone who wants to be queen of the night?

(do not worry Carmen, you're the only and do not arrive or heels)


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