Sunday, July 20, 2008

Accessories To Wear With Champagne Dress

Prozac Causality

The medical diagnosis was accurate: You have an incurable condition. I sank into a silent cry and accepted that the virus had invaded my body.
I confess, I am a new victim this disease which infects millions in the world and struggling daily to survive.
At first I tried to run and run, more to the despair of the unexpected the consequences of what is already known. Fortunately my shoes wore out and my feet began to bleed. I had to stop.
I myself to buy medicine religiously, as my mom will have to manage the rest of the days ahead.
Side effects were immediate. Constant arrhythmia reflected a vibrant heart. The bleary eyes indicated that, from now on, should go in one direction. And he could not miss is that sense of closure that makes you feel abstracted in a bubble that does not want to leave. Concentrated in a not how pleasant and happy new sensations that few known points and eternal part of treatment. I took my
contraindications and figured that would eventually become accustomed.
I decided to give up and accepted that the only thing that kept me pain-free were those lips curative doses of strokes which provided me his hands miserably silk. I feel cured with the pain of his body. Her tongue is my health bar. My shot for love.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Do The Chp Show Up To Court?

The days are gone as fast as the trail left by the movement of the wings of a hummingbird. Even I could see. Despite this breakneck speed, very inner life what happened to me as a song by Coldplay : slow, loud, in understandable but a peace that is buried in my veins like a dose of opium absurd yellow.
My eyes are still swollen. The poor are kept open above you. Every moment. It's like a vice. Teach a man to handle
Facebook your teenage brother and you'll understand what I say.
's muse turned into the human body. Lyrics little flow, but the words spoken become an ocean of admirable poetry.
steals souls! I'm more
confessed. I never set it face to face breathing becomes hot and agitated. The eyes become smaller and the view is clouded, bend, is lost.
as when in the midst of a drunken confused trying to hide your steps and breathe deeply to give oxygen to your brain and think better. In the end you end up falling. Cursed
work, stubborn love that consumes me, wretched that I control standards.
do not care what anybody says. What if I'm not creative, that if you torture the fact that I do not write more. I do not care. They are just special effects on a low budget film.
I'm smiling and my teeth reflected in the photographs in a very natural, something bent and with a subtle tone of yellow nicotine. Also the face of an idiot is worthy of comment.
The conclusion of this absurd scene is a blank page, ears, dirty, dark grayish bag my eyes and loss of sense of place, while I spend all day wanting to lie down on a bed and masturbating be happy. As I have never been. With the phone in hand of course. Definitely only you know how I feel. So you can only make love.
Of course now I get a lot more messages after having made that decision to tell everyone what we passed. That day I accepted that and the shit had taken its course, that the more I resisted, I knelt at the end resigned to the will of that Supreme Being. Pure
causality. Yes, CAUSATION
They come to me. So I will be immodest. Say trapped by an air of sympathy. In the end I think instinct is to throw it all away. Of envy that always eats so pronounced by the solitude like a cannon shot that hits most of these unfortunates. Too bad we are so few.
is like a magnet, simply learn, transforming your inner bitch and all I think about is to break what can not. Putas!. They are a decal
performance of The Pixies, Lex Luthor, Mr. Beam, Cell, Megatron and all those villains of fantasy.
Yes, I assume my fault, I will follow the game. But that is no reason to continue with their quest for destruction. I put my limits and are so clear that it would be normal to back down without thinking too much.
But the opposite happens, the magnet is multiplied in size and power. But it's really late to be blinded with an opportunity that never arrive.
I rendered in a battlefield surrounded by mines, and seeing the enemy with laser sights high reach and impact. All my colleagues around me are maimed and killed. Have holes in their bodies the size of an apple and the blood rushes through the body and not just through the bloodstream. Not a good image. As I stepped on his head hidden by my friend, I fell and I found the other hand, I remember that I recognized by the engagement ring on her finger.
I hope these tests are sufficient to forget the matter and believe me.
not been easy.
Sometimes I hear voices. Unfortunately they are not strong enough to understand what they say, but I know they're voices. The funny thing is that the bottle is not empty when I raise my hands and see through it, the table is the same amount of dust, I think 80 times powerful seven years ago. And in bed, the same legs in the morning before.
But there are those incoherent echoes. As the songs you do not understand but we like the singing. As the language we do not know but it seems funny to speak.
Nothing is equal. Now without a soul I still think all is lost. In addition we must add the fact that my heart beats faster, and I tell corny words page less often. Everything is for you.
I remember I'm the same from past experiences. Only now with more commitments and less time. But you always, even when you're here. Digress.